Active Voice To Passive Voice in english grammar with examples . All about of future Tense with stracture Passive Voice in hindi & english . 45th days
( Active Voice To Passive Voice उदाहरणों के साथ अंग्रेजी व्याकरण में। ) Active Voice To Passive Voice in english grammar with examples . All about of future Tense with stracture Passive Voice in hindi & english . 45th days.
Today is 45th days
- There are two types of Voice .
1. Active Voice .
2. Passive Voice .
- Stracture of future Indefinite Tense in Passive Voice .
- Subject ( S ) + shall/will + be + Verb ( V3 ) + other words ( O ).
- Active Voice :- I shall kill a dog .
- Passive Voice :- A dog will be killed by me.
- मैं एक कुत्ते को मारूंगा।
- मेरे द्वारा एक कुत्ते को मार दिया जाएगा।
- Active Voice :- I shall help you .
- Passive Voice :- you will be helped by me.
- मैं आपकी मदद करूंगा।
- तुम मेरे द्वारा मदद की जाएगी।
- Active Voice :- you will teach me .
- Passive Voice :- I shall be taught by you .
- तुम मुझे सिखाओगे ।
- मुझे तुम्हारे द्वारा सिखाया जाएगा।
- Active Voice :- she will teach me.
- Passive Voice :- I shall be taught by her .
- वह मुझे पढ़ाएगी।
- मुझे उसके द्वारा सिखाया जाएगा।
- Active Voice :- It will eat mango .
- Passive Voice :- mango will be eaten by it .
- इसे आम खाएंगे।
- आम तो इसके द्वारा खाया जाएगा।
- Active Voice :- They will publish two books in march .
- Passive Voice :- Two books will be published in march.
- वे मार्च में दो किताबें प्रकाशित करेंगे।
- मार्च में दो पुस्तकें प्रकाशित होंगी
- Active Voice :- They will teach me .
- Passive Voice :- I shall be taught by them.
- वे मुझे पढ़ाएंगे।
- मुझे उनके द्वारा सिखाया जाएगा।
- Stracture of Past Continuous Tense Passive Voice .
- Subject ( S ) + shall/will +being + Verb ( V3 ) + other words ( O ).
- Active Voice :- I shall be killing a dog .
- Passive Voice :- A dog will being killed by me.
- मैं एक कुत्ते को मार रहा हूँ।
- मेरे द्वारा एक कुत्ते को मार दिया जाएगा।
- Active Voice :- I shall be doing this .
- Passive Voice :- This will be being done .
- मैं यह कर रहा हूँ
- यह किया जा रहा है।
- Active Voice :- you will be doing that .
- Passive Voice :- That will being by done ( by me. ).
- आप ऐसा कर रहे होंगे।
- वह (मेरे द्वारा) किया जाएगा।
- Stracture of Past Perfect Tense Passive Voice .
- Subject ( S ) + shall / will + have been + Verb ( V3 ) + other words ( O ).
- Active Voice :- I shall have eaten the rice .
- Passive Voice :- The book will have been eaten by me.
- मैंने चावल खा लिया होगा।
- किताब मेरे द्वारा खाई गई होगी।
- Active Voice :- I shall have written the book.
- Passive Voice :- The book will have been written by me.
- मैंने पुस्तक लिखी होगी।
- किताब मेरे द्वारा लिखी गई होगी।
- Active Voice :- He shall have eaten a mango .
- Passive Voice :- A mango will have been eaten by his.
- उसने आम खा लिया होगा।
- एक आम तो उसके द्वारा खाया गया होगा।
- Active Voice :- They will have done the work by march 2019.
- Passive Voice :- The work will have been done by march 2019.
- उन्होंने 2019 तक काम किया है।
- 2019 मार्च तक काम हो जाएगा।
- Stracture of Past perfect Continuous Tense Passive Voice .
- Subject ( S ) +shall / will + have been being + Verb ( V3 ) + other words ( O ).
- Active Voice :- I shall have been killing a dog .
- Passive Voice :- A dog will have been being killed by me .
- मैं एक कुत्ते को मार रहा होगा।
- मेरे द्वारा एक कुत्ते को मारा जा रहा होगा।
- Active Voice :- we shall have been building the fort for two years .
- Passive Voice :- The fort will have been being built for two years.
- हम दो साल से किले का निर्माण कर रहे हैं।
- किला दो साल के लिए बनाया जा रहा होगा।
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Auther Vinod shukla
Spoken English